Women in the Canadian Army at War (1941-1946)
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Women in the Canadian Army at War (1941-1946)

Join us for a Curator's Choice tour to learn about how women joined the Army during the Second World War their roles, & responsibilities.

By The Royal Canadian Regiment Museum
101 events hosted 📈

Date and time

Thursday, March 20 · 6:30 - 7:30pm EDT


The Royal Canadian Regiment Museum

701 Oxford Str E London, ON N5Y 4T7 Canada

About this event

  • Event lasts 1 hour
  • Free venue parking

Join us to learn more about how women joined the Army during the Second World, their roles, duties and responsibilities. This curated tour will explore the circumstances that lead to the creation of the Canadian Women’s Army corps, and what were the authorized trades for more than 21 000 female recruits during the Second World War.

Curator’s Choice

Visit the museum accompanied by the Curator who chose specific topics related to current Canadian public mandates. Viewing of selected artefacts, curated talks, and gallery tours in 50 minutes.

Registration is not required for this drop-in program.

Frequently asked questions

How do I access the museum site?

The entrance to the property is at the farthest south gate, down Elizabeth Street. A map and video to show you how to access the museum can be found on the museum website. Please note that the parade square cannot be used as a parking space, please use the designated parking area.

Can I take food or drinks in the galleries?

No, food or drink, including water bottles are not permitted in the museum galleries. If visitors require scheduled meals for medical reasons, please let museum staff know upon your arrival.

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