The Centre for Youth Bipolar Disorder (CYBD) invites you to their annual public education evening event hosted on March 27th, 2025! This event is open to anyone with an interest in learning more about youth bipolar disorder. A youth patient will share their lived experience, we will hear from Mood Disorders Association of Ontario, and current research will be presented. This year we are challenging our presenters to address two themes related to youth bipolar disorder, Patient and Family Engagement in Bipolar Disorder Research: Lessons from the Past and Building Momentum for the Future. This education event is a reflection of CYBD’s mission and dedication to sharing knowledge and research about youth bipolar disorder, in order to increase awareness, reduce stigma, and to inspire hope.
Event Agenda:
*Virtual event starts at 6:30pm (see below for how to join virtually)
6 :00pm - 6:30pm — Doors open
6:30 pm - 6:40pm — Welcoming Comments by Dr. Louise Gallagher, Director, Division of Child and Youth Mental Health, CAMH
6:40pm - 7:00pm — Personal Reflections from a Youth with Lived Experience
7:00pm - 7:10pm — Andrew Kcomt, Knowledge Translation & Research Manager, Hope + Me - Mood Disorders Association of Ontario
7:10pm - 7:45pm — Hot off the press! Research findings from the next generation of researchers
7:45pm - 8:15pm — Dr. Benjamin Goldstein, Director, CAMH’s Centre for Youth Bipolar Disorder
8:15pm - 8:30pm — Concluding discussion and questions led by Dr. Benjamin Goldstein
8:30pm - 9:00pm — Meet the speakers
To join this event virtually, please use this link: Coming soon...