This autumn we look forward to connecting with once again at our annual WP Fall Roadshow. Expanding on what we learned at our June Conference, we’ll engage with a variety of concepts around emotional and financial wellbeing: personal empowerment and wellness, workplace and organizational health, pension and tax matters, investment strategies, and government benefits.
Our goal is to help you gain an understanding of these topics, as well as provide you with the information you need to engage and empower your staff and colleagues. Increasing our consciousness, interest and responsibility around our pensions, benefits, and overall financial security will help us make the best decisions possible for ourselves and our communities.
To help us use all the tools at our disposal, we’ll take abstract concepts and try to make them more concrete. At the same time, we’ll balance our discussions with perspectives from both the head and the heart. And in uncertain times, we’ll explore ways to help you prepare for and manage the unexpected.
We hope you’ll join us for a day of important and insightful conversation.