Événements jazz concert Lancaster, TX
Poetry On The Patio Salutes Angie Stone (Music & Poetry) Free Outdoors
ven. 25 avr., 20:00
Mudhook Bar and Kitchen
Poetry On The Patio Salutes Angie Stone (Music & Poetry) Free Outdoors
ven. 25 avr., 20:00
Mudhook Bar and Kitchen
Dallas Live Music Series: Engaging Our Community with the Arts in our Parks
jeu. 17 avr., 18:30
Kiest Park
Dallas Live Music Series: Engaging Our Community with the Arts in our Parks
jeu. 17 avr., 18:30
Kiest Park
Texas Floyd - Pink Floyd Tribute & Rush MORE- RUSH Tribute (Ticketed Event)
sam. 5 avr., 20:00
The Revel
Texas Floyd - Pink Floyd Tribute & Rush MORE- RUSH Tribute (Ticketed Event)
sam. 5 avr., 20:00
The Revel
Gelo Ball LIVE at Theory Uptown – Friday, March 28th
vendredi prochain à 22:00
Theory Nightclub Uptown
Gelo Ball LIVE at Theory Uptown – Friday, March 28th
vendredi prochain à 22:00
Theory Nightclub Uptown
LIVE MUSIC in NRH! Dead Mountain Talk, Jeff Zero, & Joel Montfort!
vendredi prochain à 19:00
Platinum Music Complex NRH
LIVE MUSIC in NRH! Dead Mountain Talk, Jeff Zero, & Joel Montfort!
vendredi prochain à 19:00
Platinum Music Complex NRH
William Lipscomb Elementary: Battle of The Bands
samedi prochain à 13:00
William B. Lipscomb Elementary School - Texas State Historical Marker
William Lipscomb Elementary: Battle of The Bands
samedi prochain à 13:00
William B. Lipscomb Elementary School - Texas State Historical Marker