Cilica - Voice Technician & Coach

Hello, as an expert with 35+ years in voice production I work with people globally to help each excel vocally in all aspects their lives. Voice production touches you every day, in everything you do from your to singing in a choir or as a soloist, in your business, or work and importantly in your relationships.

As a voice technician, I established a method that emphasises 50% on your physical instrument, 20% on your mindful determination of excellence, and 30% instilling safe, correct vocal techniques that give you the

My approach is to meet your individual needs with an intuitive combination of traditional, classical, therapeutic and unorthodox techniques and confidence building for you to gain the skills you need. My methods are a combination of intuition, experience, skill and yoga therapist, meditation and mindfulness master and composer.

If have vocal therapy challenges or have needs physically psychologically my approach can help produce a voice you are proud .

with confidence to be an expert speaker, singer, vocalist, actor, communicator and more.

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